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Man (you lot) cannot survive on bread ( alone – so here are some of my favourite money related things other people have made this month. Bible mis-quotes aside, I really want to start doing this on a regular basis.

Let me know what you think/if you like it!

Aja Dang

A friend turned me onto this LA based influencer/model. She’s vlogging her way through tackling some seriously hefty student loans using the Dave Ramsey Debt Snowball method. I have to say I don’t particularly agree with DR’s brand of prosperity gospel, he does inspire a lot of people to be proactive about their debts?

I suggest you start with this video, because if you go straight into her budget series the amount of money she has coming in seems a bit outrageous. HOWEVER, years of following the minimum repayments on a lower income means that the US student loans system has really done a number on her. I really enjoy her honesty, and how she factors in things she wants into her budget rather than just things she needs. For example, she spends a pretty significant amount each month on her dogs.

A lot of debt bloggers and vloggers advocate stripping down your expenses to the bare minimum and depriving yourself of anything fun. That just isn’t realistic to me!

Pete Matthew – The Meaningful Money podcast

Real financial advice from a qualified professional can seem out of reach for most of us, but Pete Matthew is out here giving it away FOR FREE. On his podcast Meaningful Money, Pete does cover a lot of the sort of topics you’d expect from a financial adviser, but he isn’t afraid to go back to basics, too. He’s very skilled at making complicated topics understandable, and tbh sometimes I listen to episodes I’m not interested in just because find his voice calming. Series 13 of his podcast is aimed at millennials, but anyone who’s just starting out with trying to get their finances on track should find it useful.

What I really admire about him (sorry if you’re reading this!) is that I often spot him commenting sane, measured advice in popular debt Facebook groups, just like, in his spare time. Whereas other internet money gurus seem to constantly be trying to flog you something, like… a £100+ course aimed at people with problem debt, just for example.

There are literally hundreds of podcast episodes in his back catalogue, all for free! Just search “Meaningful Money” on your favourite podcast app.

The Frugality – My Relationship with Money

I just thought this was an interesting piece about working in a creative industry where you’re constantly told the terrible pay is just something you should accept. After all:

Do you think it’s rude to ask someone how they make money? I don’t at all, but maybe that’s because I’ve always worked online and I’m really used to to explaining affiliate marketing to my family over and over again.

Sunday afternoon is a prime opportunity for me to start online window shopping, and this newsletter is a welcome distraction. Check it out! It’s freeeee!

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